Insurance & Mortgages
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Schedule a consultation with Bouvy Advies, our partner for insurance & mortgages.
Get free and independent advice and benefit from the lowest premiums and the best advice
Adjust your (home) insurance to your new situation. Get free and independent advice and benefit from the lowest premiums.
Would you rather compare and conclude yourself? That is also possible. Easy, fast and you are immediately insured!
The advantages at a glance:
- Save up to hundreds of euros per year
- Your free personal advisor
- All your insurance under one roof
- Assistance with claims handling
We work directly with the insurers below

What our customers say about us:
[ba_testimonial image="" testimonial="Wat ik prettig vind is dat ik altijd iemand kan bellen die mij kan vertellen wat een leverancier bedoelt wanneer ik iets niet begrijp. " _builder_version="4.23" _module_preset="default" global_colors_info="{}"][/ba_testimonial]
[ba_testimonial image="" rating="4" testimonial="Ik moest mijn water regelen voor mijn nieuwe appartement alleen had ik geen idee hoe ik dit moest doen. In de community kon ik exact lezen hoe ik dit kon regelen. " _builder_version="4.23" _module_preset="default" global_colors_info="{}"][/ba_testimonial]
[ba_testimonial image="" testimonial="De community geeft me informatie die ik nodig heb om zelf alles te regelen.
" _builder_version="4.23" _module_preset="default" global_colors_info="{}"][/ba_testimonial]
" _builder_version="4.23" _module_preset="default" global_colors_info="{}"][/ba_testimonial]
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