Your Starter Home

Starter Home: Take the leap from renting to buying

Discover how MaandlastenManager supports you as a first homeowner, with advice and help with your mortgage and utilities.

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Every phase of your housing journey is unique, and the transition to your first starter home is no exception.


Every phase in your housing journey has its own challenges and opportunities, including the transition to your first starter home. This is an exciting and important moment, where you will have to deal with new responsibilities and choices. Whether it concerns taking out your mortgage, managing contracts or arranging your utilities, we are ready to support you on this exciting journey to home ownership.

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In addition to the previously mentioned services, you can also come to us for:


At MaandlastenManager, we are ready to support you with all your connections, such as utilities and internet, but we do even more. We can also assist you with tasks such as handyman services, arranging insurance, and applying for water and district heating services.

What can be arranged for your Starter Home?


When you take the step to your own starter home, several things come your way that need to be arranged. Firstly, arranging your mortgage can be a challenge. It is very important to understand your options, which interest rates apply and how the loan will be repaid.

Our ContractCoach also comes into the picture. This professional can guide you in drawing up, checking and managing contracts related to your home. Think of insurance, internet– and TV subscriptions and maintenance contracts

Finally, the utilities must be arranged. This means that the water, gas and electricity utilities must be transferred to your name. MaandlastenManager can also assist you with this to make this process as smooth as possible.

At every stage of the purchase and management of your starter home, MaandlastenManager is ready to help and advise you, so that you can concentrate on enjoying your new home.

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Discover our most popular articles and stay up to date with the latest developments in the energy market. Learn more about internet options for your new home, how our contract coach can support you, and the impact of price caps on energy rates. Enrich your knowledge and make informed decisions for your home journey. Don't miss any updates, dive into our most popular content now!

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