Customer Service
What is ContractCoach Customer Service?
ContractCoach is our dedicated Customer Service platform, designed to help you with all your questions about contracts, connections, and optimizing your agreements. Whether you need basic assistance or prefer personalized support with exclusive benefits, we’ve got you covered.
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What is ContractCoach Customer Service?
ContractCoach is our dedicated Customer Service platform, designed to help you with all your questions about contracts, connections, and optimizing your agreements. Whether you need basic assistance or prefer personalized support with exclusive benefits, we’ve got you covered.
ContractCoach Customer Service, how does it work
To contact our Back Office, you’ll need to create a free account. This ensures we can assist you efficiently and provide the best service tailored to your needs. Creating an account is completely free and gives you access to our basic support.
For customers who want more than just the basics, we offer ContractCoach Premium. This upgraded plan provides additional benefits such as collective deals, insights into your contracts, annual reviews with your Contract Coach, and access to exclusive e-learnings and our community.
ContractCoach Customer Service
Free- Direct contact with the Back Office for questions;
- Email contact with the Back Office for questions about contracts;
- This is our customer care service you need an account to get in contact with us.
ContractCoach Customer Service
Premium- Direct contact with the Back Office for questions;
- Email contact with the Back Office for questions about contracts;
- Collective deals;
- Insight into contracts arranged through us;
- Annual contact with your Contract Coach;
- E-learnings on various products and services;
- Community Login.
Wat ik prettig vind is dat ik altijd iemand kan bellen die mij kan vertellen wat een leverancier bedoelt wanneer ik iets niet begrijp.
Ik vond het gesprek met mijn contract coach, Barend, heel erg prettig. Hij heeft er veel verstand van en neemt de tijd om me te helpen.
Ik moest mijn water regelen voor mijn nieuwe appartement alleen had ik geen idee hoe ik dit moest doen. In de community kon ik exact lezen hoe ik dit kon regelen.
ik begreep niet zo goed wat ik nu moest kiezen voor mijn energie. Toen heb ik meerdere gesprekken gehad en in de community hulp gevraagd iedereen is er g begaan en helpt direct wanneer ik het nodig had
De community geeft me informatie die ik nodig heb om zelf alles te regelen.
Ieder jaar heb ik een gesprek met mijn contract coach hij checkt even voor me of ik kan besparen en dit kunnen we dan ook gelijk regelen als dit zo is.